Tag: prototype
Leopard 2 Prototype (PT 10 / T 17). The Mystery Solved.
In this post, we’ll have a look at yet another Leopard 2 prototype. This vehicle can be found in the collection of the Musée de Blindés in Saumur, France. In contract to the prototypes discussed earlier, this one wields the 120 mm gun. During the design and trial period for the Leopard 2 tank, two…
Haustenbeck’s Heritage: Journey of Tiger II V2
For the past two years, I have been working on a series of articles on Henschel’s test site at Haustenbeck. So far, I have covered the origin and use of the site, as well as most of the vehicles that were present during and after the war. All these articles have paved the way for…
Leopard 2 PT 06
Hah, yet another Leopard 2 prototype! I stumbled upon these images of a Leopard 2 prototype waaay back when I administrated a site solely about the development of the Leopard 2. The original author of the photos was so kind to let me post them. This specimen was found at the Sennelager Truppenübungsplatz, Germany. Photos…
Leopard 2 prototypes on tape
In this interesting video from the German Bundeswehr Classix series, the “new” Leopard 2 Kampfpanzer is introduced. The video begins by showcasing the Leopard 2 Austere Version (AV) and in particular the combination PT 20 / T 21. It is very likely that this video was created when Leopard 2 series production had just commenced as only…
Sekundärlafette für Turm KPZ Leopard 2 (PT)
In a recent post I showed you a Leopard 2 prototype and explained how the turret of this tank was a very special one since it could mount an overhead weapon system. In the summer of 2012 I visited the Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung in Koblenz, where the very weapon system that was designed to be mounted…
Leopard 2 prototype
In July 2014 I was able to visit Försvarsfordons museum Arsenalen in Strägnäs, Sweden. Number one reason for me to visit this museum was that I had heard that a Leopard 2 prototype is on display there. After I roamed the museum and admired its collection I still hadn’t found any sign of this Leopard 2…