mnh bell 2

Humain’s Panther – then and now

While doing some research for another article that might (or might not) be published in the near future I wound up writing something that was slightly too long for the original article so I’ll be putting it up here as a separate article here instead 😉

It all began with this photo of a Panther Ausf. G #80 of II./Panzer-Regiment 33 knocked out in December 1944 during the Ardennes Offensive in the town of Humain, Belgium.

humain panther

The authors of Panther | External appearance & design changes provide a colour profile for this vehicle and mention that it was photographed multiple times after its capture. The camouflage patterns show a typical late war – October – scheme as applied by the M.N.H. assembly firm, that is: alternating vertical bands of red and green with dark yellow sprayed loosely over these bands. The pattern was first described in Duel in the Mist (appendix 4).

mnh bell 1

Both photographs were said to have been taken in Humain, Belgium. For some reason, a bell was mounted to its gun to ostensibly serve as a makeshift church bell. Even though it seemed highly unlikely, all information pointed to both photos showing the same Panther. I’m not quickly convinced and so decided to take a closer look at this Panther.

A first indication of these Panthers being the same is that they both have suffered some damage to their hull machine gun. This is a starting point, but it’s not conclusive. An additional identification mark presents itself in the form of the tactical number ’80’ painted in the corner of the turret, next to the interlock with the trunnion armour. Both vehicles have the same number, but the number doesn’t seem to be present on the port side of the turret (any more) in the photo below.

mnh bell 3
Side view of this tank. The number 80 seems to be missing here

While numbers regularly don’t just vanish, it’s entirely possible that the – thin – layer of paint has worn off. Duel in the Mist mentions the Panther was knocked out near the school and later moved 50 meters down the road. A quick peek at the map of present day Humain shows only a couple of possible T-sections where the initial photo could have been taken. Apparently, it was taken along the Rue d’Aye. Even today it looks like a school is settled in the building. Note that the foremost building visible in 1944 has since been demolished.

snip 20180409200836

A lot more vegetation is present hiding a large part of the building in the background, but essentially it’s all still there. Except the Panther that is. In the meantime I dug up some more period photographs showing the Panther from slightly difference angles. The head-on shot seemingly shows the Panther against the building also visible in the initial photo. The other one shows a building with a quite recognizable shape. Looking around using Google Street View shows the exact building just down the road at the right.

Putting all pieces together it looks like these photos are indeed showing the exact same vehicle. The Panther was parked against the tree in front of the house at the intersection. The photos being taken only some 50 meters apart confirms the story that the Panther was moved down the road. To close off, here’s a little side-by-side now and then:


10 responses to “Humain’s Panther – then and now”

  1. Fr Mark Van Wassenhove

    Hello Melcher,
    I am very interested in reading your detailed research concerning photos of the Panther G knocked out in Humain, Belgium during fighting in late December 1944.
    My interest comes from the fact that I possess detailed information (“after action reports,” a Signal Corps photo, etc.) regarding action which occurred in Humain in the early morning hours of Christmas Day 1944. During this action, 3 German Panthers from the Panzer Lehr Division were destroyed by troops from the American 635th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company A, 3rd Platoon, working in support of Troop A of the 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron. These 635th Tank Destroyer Battalion troops were led by my great-uncle, 1st Lieutenant John Thompson. For this action and his personal heroics, my great-uncle received a Silver Star.
    Therefore, please know that I will gladly share this information with you if you are so interested. Additionally, I hope that you might share any additional or new information regarding actions in Humain in December 1944. Also know that to commemorate and honor my uncle and all those brave troops, I am currently building a diorama depicting events that fateful day. In so doing I am assembling a Dragon brand Panther G model depicting the Panther tank you have so thoroughly investigated. And I hope that your extensive knowledge of the Panther in question might increase the authenticity of my modest efforts.
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    Mark S. Van Wassenhove
    (Note my Belgium surname! My grandfather was a 1st generation immigrant in 1904.)

    1. Hey Mark,

      Thank you for your comment. I have tried to reach you by mail, but got no response so I’ll leave a reply here (maybe check your spam folder? ;)) Amazing to hear it was your great-uncle that was responsible for knocking those Panthers out! I’m not very familiar with the events around the Battle of the Bulge myself, so any additional information is very welcome. Panther #80 featured above was part of II./Panzerregiment 33 and features a camouflage scheme which was introduced by M.N.H. around October to November 1944. Just recently some photos came to my attention of a Panther #725 also knocked out in or around Humain (


  2. Rusen Mihai Ionut

    Do you have any more info regarding the use of the Panther tank as an improvised bell tower? I m a PhD Lecturer at the National University of Arts, Bucharest, Sculpture Department and quite passionate about bells and their artistic values for contemporary sculpture. That s why I consider this iconic image as a sculptural installation avant la lettre and hope to gather more info about the story. Thank You in advance.


    Bonjour, j’habite Humain et j’ai rĂ©alisĂ© un Pz Divpetit travail de mĂ©moire sur le village donc inclus sur la bataille.
    Une grosse erreur est de dire qu’il y a eu de gros combats dans ce village, l’erreur vient du fait qu’Ă  l’Ă©poque il y avait UN village HUMAIN-HAVRENNE donc 2 petites entitĂ©s Ă©cartĂ©es de +/- 1 Km les gros combats ont eu lieu dans Havrenne ( colonne 2 Pz Div et liebenstandart Div) Ă  Humain mĂȘme le seul vrai combat a eu lieu le Dec lorsque un dĂ©tachement Tk/Inf de la 9Pz Div est sorti de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© du village (vers l’Est) et le Tk de tĂȘte ainsi qu’un second en base de feu se sont fait dĂ©truire par des canons US en dĂ©fense sur la route Ă  800 m.
    Pour l’histoire du char, placĂ© au dĂ©part devant l’Ă©cole il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©placĂ© Ă  20m plus bas et on a regroupĂ© d’autres vĂ©hicules Ă  cet endroit . Un /deux autres chars Ă©taient aussi plus ou moins dĂ©truits dans le village mais je pense qu’il s’agit comme le char en question des photos qu’il s’agissait de vĂ©hicules endommagĂ©s antĂ©rieurement et laissĂ©s pour rĂ©parations ce qui n’a pĂ» se faire.
    Si vous voulez d’autres photos c’est possible.

    1. Mihai Ionut

      Bonsoir, comme rĂ©sident du village de HUMAIN, avez-vous des informations supplĂ©mentaires sur la photographie de le char Panther avec le cloche d’Ă©glise placĂ©e sur le canon? Je fais rĂ©fĂ©rence aux histoires ou traditions orales locales, s il fonctionnĂ© ou non comme un clocher temporaire, qui y transportait et montait le cloche sur le e canon, combien de temps cet ensemble y restait, etc. Toute information ou photographie vintage est bienvenue. J’Ă©tudie ce sujet pour un article scientifique sur les arts visuels contemporains.

    2. bonjour, il s’agit d’une situation rĂ©sultant de la destruction de l’Ă©glise du village par un bombardement alliĂ© accompagnant la retraite des troupes Allemandes, une bonne partie du village Ă©tait en ruines ou durement touchĂ©e. Ce char ramenĂ© devant l’Ă©cole par les logisticiens US devenant gĂȘnant devant cette Ă©cole a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©placĂ© de quelques mĂštres. Qui a pensĂ© et placĂ© une des cloches Ă  cet endroit aucune personne prĂ©sente Ă  cette Ă©poque et en Ăąge de le savoir n’ a pu me rĂ©pondre, une “Ă©glise” de remplacement en bois a Ă©tĂ© refaite, et les cloches ont par la suite Ă©tĂ© placĂ©es sur un bĂąti sommaire en bois puis vraisemblablement abritĂ©es dans cette Ă©glise jusqu’ a la reconstruction de l’Ă©glise(terminĂ©e en 1956) Des personnes agĂ©es vivant encore vers 2005 m’ont confirmĂ© que l’acolyte allait actionner la cloche pour annoncer les Ă©vĂšnements, je pense aussi que la messe devait se tenir dans une grange toute proche avant l’Ă©dification de l’Ă©glise “”d’ attente””.Cette situation a durĂ© probablement quelques mois seulement car toutes les photos montrent un environnement de printemps et/ou d’Ă©tĂ© et tous les vĂ©hicules Ă©paves ont Ă©tĂ© enlevĂ©s pour ĂȘtre remis au commandement alliĂ© (US)

    3. Rusen Mihai Ionut

      Bonsoir, merci beaucoup pour les informations, elles sont extrĂȘmement utiles pour mes recherches. Je vous suis reconnaissant et si possible, je publierai ici parties de mon article ou son link aprĂšs la confĂ©rence Ă  laquelle je participerai en mai de cette annĂ©e. Salutations les plus chaleureuses de Bucarest!

    (Report from a reliable civilian source)

    December 23, 1944: First German spearhead composed of 15 camouflaged Mark VI-2 Tiger tanks, 30 reconnaissance cars, about 100 half-tracks, trucks and jeeps, passed through the town from 0900 to 1100, going in the direction of Havrenne (P-2181). Many of the men were dressed in American uniforms with armored combat hats. About 1/3 of the spearhead consisted of American vehicles.

    December 24, 1944: Convoy consisting of trucks loaded with Wehrmacht infantry, and about 25 105-MM Guns on wooden wheels pass through the town going West. Troops were Alsatian, Polish, and Czech origin. None of the vehicles were American. The Germans on the other hand had plenty of captured American rations. 3 tanks stopped in the town for repairs.

    December 25, 1944: Very little enemy activity in the town.

    December 26, 1944: 8 Tiger tanks, several trucks, and small groups of soldiers on foot retreat through Humain towards Hargimont (P-2679). The 8 Tiger tanks remain in the town, where they are attacked by our Army Air Force. 1 Tiger exploded. At 1630, informant overhears following message being sent over wireless by the Officer in charge ‘Only 300 men left, send help.’ In the afternoon of Dec 26, Germans ran out of supplies, and as usual, decide to loot the town.

    December 26, 1944: Early in the morning, informat overhears another message being sent over wireless: ‘Enough ammunition left to cover retreat only’. In reply, the Officer in charge was ordered to fight to the last man. Soldiers, disgusted, throw arms away, and hide in basements. Officers, armed with machine-pistols, chase soldiers out of basements, and force them to fight the arriving Americans. Germans depart. (Source: First United States Army)

    1. Thanks for sharing Gunter. This appears to have been taken from a US Army report, is that right?
      I have been informed by Dan Montanus that this version of events contains rather a lot of mistakes. I will not go into details about the exact mistakes here. Hopefully I will be able to update this article in the coming year to reflect a more accurate timeline of what happened at Humain during the Battle of the Bulge.

    2. Mark Van Wassenhove

      Hello again, Melcher,
      Wishing you Holiday cheer. In light of this most recent information, if of interest or use to you I will gladly send you the AAR from the US Army 635th Tank Destroyer Battalion which fought a Panzer Lehr unit at dawn on Christmas morning in Humain. Since our last communication re: Panther #80, I have also uncovered a later account of that early morning action written by a 635th member who participated in it. It supports the AAR account. And finally, I can send you a second account of that same action written many years later by my great-uncle, who was in command of the American forces that morning.
      Finally, I look forward to hearing more from you and learning more about the later actions occurring in Humain in late December ’44.
      Sincerely, Mark Van Wassenhove (Indianapolis, IN, USA)

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